Friday, 23 February 2018

Create Pop-Under Ad Code via DFP

I encountered a little difficulty while creating a pop-under ad code via DFP for one of my affiliate blogs. The objective was to link to an affiliate product which I recommend to my blog users. Also if you have too many page views on a particular blog,

you can use pop-under codes to redirect them to your viral sites as well. Alternatively, if you’re selling something on Amazon, eBay, etc, you can direct your visitors to those pages via a pop-under. This tutorial will be handy if you need assistance in creating a pop-under ad code via DFP!It is something like sticky left and right rail ads or wallpaper ads which you have noticed on various publisher websites.

Here, we will look at how you can set up these sticky desktop ad units on your website.
This is the ad script which you need to place in the CSS stylesheet of your blog template. Normally, the CSS file is defined as stylesheet.css on your theme editor. So, login to your WordPress blog, go to theme editor and open the stylesheet.css file and update the following code.

Now copy the ad code from the notepad or where you’ve saved the ad. Place the ad code in the section of the code which says, “your ads code here”. Copy the updated code and place it before the end of the head that ( i.e. </head>)
Placing the ad code before the closing of the head tag ensures that the ad will be loaded every time the header of the article is called, and the display properties of the ad code is defined by id = LeftFloatAds or RightFloatAds.
Now, that you know how to create wallpaper ad codes on desktop (left aligned and right aligned), let’s take a look at how we can create sticky ads on mobile.
Thus, to conclude, auto-refreshing wallpaper ad codes can work like a charm and increase your overall ad revenue. Also, it helps you to promote website offers and app installs on your site or in fact if you’ve any advertiser for your site. So, let’s go ahead and setup wallpaper ads on desktop. Also, do check our tutorial on creating sticky bottom mobile ads here.
We recommend publishers to try sticky 320×50 mobile ad units on their website and here are some of the benefits which would justify a similar setup.
1. Promote a website offer or ask your visitors to install your app if you’ve recently launched a app and want your website visitors to try the app.
2. You can show CPM based ads from direct buyers. A sticky mobile ad unit has a 100% view rate and thus it gives enough time to the users to interact with the ad creative and direct buyers would prefer this ad format to send their message to their target audience (be it a brand awareness or an action-oriented).
3. Enable auto-refreshing ad units on mobile. You can set time-based auto-refreshing ADX ad units on mobile. Quite a number of ad networks like Google Ad Exchange and others allow auto-refreshing of ad units. While publishers can choose the duration of the ad unit before it refreshes, we have seen marked increase in overall revenue for these ads on websites which have high time on site. We can help you get started with auto-refreshing ad units. Get in touch.  How to Create Pop-Under Ad Code via DFP
You need to have an approved adsense account in order to access Google DFP for small business. Google DFP is an ad-serving tool which is free upto 90 million page impressions per month. It helps you serve in-house advertisements, direct advertisements and can be useful for fall back ads too. Before we begin with a stepwise tutorial on how to create pop-under ads using DFP, let me discuss a bit about some comment terms

Creatives: Creatives are basically the graphics, video files, html codes that will actually be served. i.e. the content of your ad unit.
Ad unit- The ad tag that will serve the creative(s) and record impression, clicks and other relevant data.
Line item- Line item is the smallest unit of an order that is used to define the display attributes of an ad unit/ad code/ad tag. Like where the ad unit will be displayed (device type, location and demographics etc) and also which particular ad unit will be displayed, its size, etc etc.
Creative templates- A set of templates defined by DFP capable to display ads with certain type of features/interactions.
Now, to start with, log into your DFP, and click on the Delivery tab. From the left panel, click on Creatives, and then again click on Creative templates.

Now select the system defined creative template: Pop-up or pop-under window with third-party content and you can see some variables and placeholders. Click on the “Preview form” to see how this will actually look. You need to export this template and save it on your system.
Once done, go back to the creative templates page, and click on new creative template. Now import the template which you have saved on your system and add a title to this user defined template. We will use to title My_popunder_template1Now click on save button (ignore the errors if any).
Next, we have to create an ad unit that will serve the pop-under. Click on Inventory tab and under the A units section, click on New ad unit.
AdBuff- High Paying CPM Network
AdBuff is a high paying CPM network if you've majority traffic from US, UK and Canada
Assign a code/name to the add unit. We are going to use  My_popunder_adunit1. You can assign a description which is optional.  Now, from the Size drop-down, select 1×1 and Out of page and assign the target window as _blank
You may leave the placement as blank if you don’t have to create any separate placement. You have to override adsense settings and uncheck the “enabled for adsense” button and click on save.Now, your ad unit is created.

Now, we have to create a new line item. Click on Delivery and then New Order. An order can have multiple line item. In this post we will create a new Order. We have named the order as Myorder and the advertiser as Popunder which we previously created. If there is no advertiser, you need to create one.
Next, we are defining the line item. We have named it as Mypopunder and selected the inventory size as Out of page. Add a start date (immediately), end date and impression quality along with the CPM rate. Keep all other fields as default and now come to ad targeting settings.
We need to select the inventory. So click on inventory>ad units>My_popunder_Adunit1 and click on save.

Now, click on the check box before Mypopunder and click on Approve to activate it. Once done, now click on the line item Mypopunder. You will be taken to a page where you’ll be asked to add creatives.
Now, click on Add Creative button and select New Creative option. Under the new creative sections, you can see some system defined creative styles. From here, select user define templates. You will be able to see My_Popunder_Template1 here. Select that and click on Continue button.
In the new creative page, you need to assign a name for your creative. Let us name it, Mypopunder_creative1. Under the url for third party content, add the URL which you want to load as a pop-under. Select the width and height and other settings and click on Save button.
You are all done! Now you need to generate the ad tags to load your pop-under. Click on Inventory and then Generate tags tab on the left. Select My_Popunder_adunit1 tag and click on Generate tags.
Keep the tag type as Google Publisher Tag and click Continue. Under the Select tag options, deselect the default “enable single request” and instead select “Enable synchronous requests“. Also you need to select the check box “Out of page” and click on Continue.

You will get 2 code snippets. Copy and place them on your site as instructed. You can place both the code snippets together. Once done click on Save button of your theme editor.
Now, click on the site url to see if the pop-up is working fine. If it doesn’t, grab a cup of coffee and re-visit the steps and ensure you have done them correctly.Thus, to conclude, auto-refreshing wallpaper ad codes can work like a charm and increase your overall ad revenue. Also, it helps you to promote website offers and app installs on your site or in fact if you’ve any advertiser for your site. So, let’s go ahead and setup wallpaper ads on desktop. Also, do check our tutorial on creating sticky bottom mobile ads here.
We recommend publishers to try sticky 320×50 mobile ad units on their website and here are some of the benefits which would justify a similar setup.
1. Promote a website offer or ask your visitors to install your app if you’ve recently launched a app and want your website visitors to try the app.
2. You can show CPM based ads from direct buyers. A sticky mobile ad unit has a 100% view rate and thus it gives enough time to the users to interact with the ad creative and direct buyers would prefer this ad format to send their message to their target audience (be it a brand awareness or an action-oriented).
3. Enable auto-refreshing ad units on mobile. You can set time-based auto-refreshing ADX ad units on mobile. Quite a number of ad networks like Google Ad Exchange and others allow auto-refreshing of ad units. While publishers can choose the duration of the ad unit before it refreshes, we have seen marked increase in overall revenue for these ads on websites which have high time on site. We can help you get started with auto-refreshing ad units. Get in touch.

How to Create Sticky Mobile Footer/Header Ads on WordPress

It is something like page-level ads (anchor ads) format and you must have noticed the implementation on various publisher websites. Here, we will look at how you can set up these sticky mobile footer ads on WordPress.


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